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Hospital Location
Kamlapur Akauni Chandauli, UP

Rules & Regulation
Rules & Regulations ( on notary paper)
The students should be completely fit both mentally and physically and should not suffer from any deformity or communicable disease(s).
The student can be deputed to serve in any department of College/ Hospital/ Clinic in urban or rural area at any time during his/her theory/ practical/ hospital training at his/her own expenses.
The student will not damage the reputation of the college and its property. He/She hereby agrees to pay the cost of damages if caused by his/her to any movable or immovable property of College, Hospital or Hostel along with fine due to his/her malafied/ negligent working or duties.
The student will not indulge in any type of unlawful activity in the College/ Hospital/ Hostel Campus by way of giving provocative speeches, arranging unauthorised meetings, causing physical violence or any activity which can be violation of law.
The student will not be disrespectful to the management, staff or fellow students.
The student will not indulge in any type of ragging or harassment of juniors or other students.
The student will attend atleast 75% lectures in each subject in theory as well as practical and will not be absent without prior written permission of Director/ Principal.
The student will not indulge in malpractices during tests/ examinations.He/ she will not absent from such tests/ examinations without prior written permission of the Director/ Principal.
The student will neither use any bubble gum, pan, intoxicants, stimulant drinks & drugs of dangerous nature and will not smoke neither consume barbiturates etc. in College/ Hospital/ Hostel Campus.
The student will attend the college in proper uniform prescribed by college.
The student will deposit College/ Hostel Fee well within stipulated period and agrees that any type of college/ hostel fees once paid to the college is neither refundable nor adjustable in any circumstances. The college will not be responsible for any change in circumstances or family economic conditions or conflicts, disputes or decision to discontinue his/ her education or any other reason.
The college will not be held responsible for any damage or charge on account of injuries fatal or otherwise, which may be sustained by the student while taking part in Practicals, Games, Sports, or in any other indoor or outdoor activity at any time during his/ her stay in College & Hostel. All expenses that may be incurred in the treatment of such injuries will be born by the student.
The student authorizes the College authorities to arrange for medical attention, treatment or emergency surgery, administration of anesthesia, if needed, to the best judgment of Principal/ College administration on his own expenses.
During study the student will not involve in any college strike or mass bunking from college or other activities against college.
The student fully agrees that violation of any or more rules will constitute breach of discipline which may lead to disciplinary action against him/ her in way of warning, fine, suspension or expulsion from college. The student will not proceed in any court of law against any decision of the management of college in this respect.
The student agrees that judiciary for any dispute will be subject to varanasi Courts only.